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More than 60 energy storage subsidy policies have been introduced across the country!



    At present, under the active guidance of the state, a total of 63 energy storage subsidy policies have been issued across 

the country. From the perspective of subsidy methods, subsidies are mainly based on energy storage project construction, 

energy storage discharge capacity, energy storage charging capacity, and participation in demand-side response.

The subsidies are organized as follows:





    At present, the bottleneck restricting the development of the energy storage industry is still cost. Although energy storage 

technology is becoming mature and the prices of main materials are stable to a certain extent, the current energy storage 

profit model and industry standards are still unclear, and the energy storage rate of return lacks practical testing. According 

to the development situation, energy storage still needs to be increased. Subsidies are provided to encourage investment 

and promote industry development.

    Excessive costs are not conducive to industry development, so subsidy policies are essential. Previously, Zhong Zheng, 

a deputy to the National People's Congress, said, "Some operators will try their best to reduce the construction cost of 

energy storage. New energy storage has actually become an additional cost for new energy construction, which is not 

conducive to the healthy development of the industry." In this regard, she suggested that Necessary financial subsidies 

for new energy storage. At the same time, we actively explore new energy storage to participate in power market transactions and ancillary services.

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