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National Energy Administration: Clarify grid connection requirements for new energy storage power stations!


    On November 20, the General Affairs Department of the National Energy Administration issued a public notice soliciting opinions on the "Notice on Promoting New Energy Storage Grid Integration and Dispatch Application (Draft for Comment)".

  Standardize the grid connection management of new energy storage power stations. Grid enterprises and power dispatching agencies must formulate detailed grid connection rules for new energy storage power stations and grid connection service work guidelines, and clarify the grid connection process, relevant standards and network-related test requirements. In accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, consensus through consultation, and ensuring the safe operation of the power system, the power dispatching agency organizes new energy storage power stations to conduct grid connection acceptance and sign a grid connection dispatch agreement. New energy storage power stations should complete all grid-related tasks within the specified time after connection to the grid. test.

Optimize the dispatching method of new energy storage power stations. Power dispatching agencies should formulate new energy storage dispatching and operation procedures based on system needs, scientifically determine new energy storage dispatching and operation methods, use new energy storage regulation resources fairly, and actively support new energy + energy storage, aggregated energy storage, and the integration of light, storage and charging. For the development of other models, priority will be given to new energy storage pilot and demonstration projects to give full play to the value of all types of energy storage. When power dispatching agencies call power stations, for new energy storage power stations that participate in the power market, priority will be given to arranging new energy storage operations according to market clearing results. For new energy storage power stations that are not yet qualified to participate in the power market, they will be called through dispatching instructions. In the event of accidents (events) endangering the safety of the power system and other necessary situations, all new energy storage power stations within the regulatory scope should accept unified direct calls from the power dispatching agency. During the direct calls, the independent energy storage charging and discharging price mechanism will be implemented.

Standardize the technical requirements for new energy storage grid connection. The access system of new energy storage power stations should meet the requirements for safe and stable operation of the power system, and complete corresponding performance tests and network-related tests. New energy storage power station equipment should meet the relevant requirements of national and industry technical standards and management specifications to ensure the safety and stability of new energy storage power stations. run. New energy storage power stations need to formulate detailed operation and maintenance procedures, on-site operating procedures, accident plans and emergency management measures, outage maintenance plans, etc., and regularly report to the power dispatching agency.

Clarify the technical requirements for new energy storage dispatching and operation. New energy storage power stations should be equipped with power control systems or coordinated control systems. All new energy storage power stations within the regulation scope should have the ability to automatically adjust active and reactive power in accordance with dispatch instructions, be connected to the AGC, AVC and other systems of the affiliated power dispatch agency, accept and execute dispatch instructions, and have information security Protective measures. The dispatching principles for the construction of new energy storage in new energy bases shall be implemented in accordance with the "Technical Guidelines for the Planning of New Energy Storage for Power Transmission and Configuration in New Energy Bases" (NB/T 11194-2023).

Encourage the technological transformation of existing new energy storage power stations. Encourage existing new energy storage power stations to carry out technical transformation and have the ability to accept dispatching instructions. After meeting the corresponding technical conditions, the power dispatching agency should promptly carry out grid connection and dispatching of new energy storage power stations.

The original text is as follows:

The General Affairs Department of the National Energy Administration publicly solicits opinions 

on the "Notice on Promoting New Energy Storage Grid Integration and Dispatch Application (Draft for Comment)"

In order to standardize the management of new energy storage grid connection, optimize the dispatching 

operation mechanism, give full play to the role of new energy storage, and support the construction of new energy 

systems and new power systems, our bureau organized the drafting of the "Regulations on Promoting New Energy 

Storage Grid Integration and Dispatch Application". Notice (Draft for Comments)" is now open to the public for comments.

Relevant units and people from all walks of life are welcome to fax their opinions and suggestions to 010-81929218 or send them via email to nengxiaochuneng@nea.gov.cn within 30 days from the date of this announcement.

Thank you for your participation and support!

Attachment: Notice on Promoting Grid Integration and Dispatch Application of New Energy Storage (Draft for Comments)

Comprehensive Department of National Energy Administration

November 20, 2023


Notice on Promoting Grid Integration and Dispatch Application of New Energy Storage

(Draft for comments)

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, accelerate the planning and construction of new energy systems, and implement the "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of New Energy Storage" (Fagai Energy [2021] No. 1051) and "New Energy Storage Project Management Specifications (Interim)" "(Guoneng Science and Technology Regulations [2021] No. 47) "Notice on Further Promoting New Energy Storage's Participation in the Electricity Market and Dispatch Application" (National Development and Reform Office Operation [2022] No. 475) relevant requirements to standardize the grid connection of new energy storage management, optimize the dispatching operation mechanism, give full play to the role of new energy storage, and support the construction of a new power system. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. Overall requirements

(1) Accurately grasp the positioning of new energy storage functions. New energy storage refers to energy storage technology that, in addition to pumped hydro energy storage, mainly outputs electricity and provides services to the outside world. It has the advantages of short construction period, flexible layout, and fast response speed. It can play a role in peak load regulation, Frequency regulation, voltage regulation, backup, black start, inertia response and other functions are key supporting technologies for building new power systems. With the rapid growth of installed capacity, the role of new energy storage in promoting the development and consumption of new energy and the safe and stable operation of power systems is gradually emerging. It is necessary to combine the positioning of new energy storage functions and market requirements to further standardize the management of new energy storage grid connections, continue to improve the new energy storage dispatching mechanism, ensure the rational and efficient use of new energy storage, and effectively support the construction of new power systems.

(2) Clearly accept the scope of new energy storage for power system dispatching. New energy storage power stations that are connected to the power system and sign a dispatch agreement can be divided into two categories: new energy storage for dispatching and new energy storage for the power station's own use. Dispatching and calling new energy storage refers to new energy storage power stations that have independent metering devices and operate in accordance with market clearing results or instructions from the power dispatching agency, including independent energy storage power stations, new energy-equipped energy storage stations that are qualified to operate independently, etc.; the power station is used for its own use New energy storage refers to new energy storage power stations that operate jointly with power generation companies, users, etc., and are controlled by power generation companies, users, etc. according to their own needs, including new energy-equipped energy storage that does not operate independently, thermal power joint frequency modulation energy storage, signed dispatching User-side energy storage that has protocols and has the ability to accept dispatching instructions.

2. Strengthen new energy storage grid connection and dispatch operation management

(3) Standardize the grid connection management of new energy storage power stations. Grid enterprises and power dispatching agencies must formulate detailed grid connection rules for new energy storage power stations and grid connection service work guidelines, and clarify the grid connection process, relevant standards and network-related test requirements. In accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, consensus through consultation, and ensuring the safe operation of the power system, the power dispatching agency organizes new energy storage power stations to conduct grid connection acceptance and sign a grid connection dispatch agreement. New energy storage power stations should complete all grid-related tasks within the specified time after connection to the grid. test.

(4) Optimize the dispatching method of new energy storage power stations. Power dispatching agencies should formulate new energy storage dispatching and operation procedures based on system needs, scientifically determine new energy storage dispatching and operation methods, use new energy storage regulation resources fairly, and actively support new energy + energy storage, aggregated energy storage, and the integration of light, storage and charging. For the development of other models, priority will be given to new energy storage pilot and demonstration projects to give full play to the value of all types of energy storage. When power dispatching agencies call power stations, for new energy storage power stations that participate in the power market, priority will be given to arranging new energy storage operations according to market clearing results. For new energy storage power stations that are not yet qualified to participate in the power market, they will be called through dispatching instructions. In the event of accidents (events) endangering the safety of the power system and other necessary situations, all new energy storage power stations within the regulatory scope should accept unified direct calls from the power dispatching agency. During the direct calls, the independent energy storage charging and discharging price mechanism will be implemented.

(5) Strengthen the operation and management of new energy storage power stations. When formulating and revising the electricity market rules or the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Auxiliary Electric Power Services" and the "Implementation Rules for the Management of Electric Power Grid-connected Operations", various agencies of the National Energy Administration, together with the provincial energy authorities, will clarify and refine the assessment of various new energy storage power stations. Implementing Regulations. New energy storage power stations should report operation information in a timely manner according to the requirements of the power dispatching agency, and the power dispatching agency regularly pushes the call status of new energy storage power stations to the national new energy storage big data platform.

3. Clarify the technical requirements for new energy storage grid connection and dispatching

(6) Standardize the technical requirements for new energy storage grid connection. The access system of new energy storage power stations should meet the requirements for safe and stable operation of the power system, and complete corresponding performance tests and network-related tests. New energy storage power station equipment should meet the relevant requirements of national and industry technical standards and management specifications to ensure the safety and stability of new energy storage power stations. run. New energy storage power stations need to formulate detailed operation and maintenance procedures, on-site operating procedures, accident plans and emergency management measures, outage maintenance plans, etc., and regularly report to the power dispatching agency.

(7) Clarify the technical requirements for new energy storage dispatching and operation. New energy storage power stations should be equipped with power control systems or coordinated control systems. All new energy storage power stations within the regulation scope should have the ability to automatically adjust active and reactive power in accordance with dispatch instructions, be connected to the AGC, AVC and other systems of the affiliated power dispatch agency, accept and execute dispatch instructions, and have information security Protective measures. The dispatching principles for the construction of new energy storage in new energy bases are implemented in accordance with the "Technical Guidelines for Planning New Energy Storage for Power Transmission and Configuration in New Energy Bases" (NB/T 11194-2023).

(8) Encourage the technological transformation of existing new energy storage power stations. Encourage existing new energy storage power stations to carry out technical transformation and have the ability to accept dispatching instructions. After meeting the corresponding technical conditions, the power dispatching agency should promptly carry out grid connection and dispatching of new energy storage power stations.

(9) Promote innovation in new energy storage smart control technologies. Combining multiple scenarios of new energy storage and market-oriented operation needs, actively develop new energy storage power stations and other power sources to coordinate optimal dispatching technology, key technologies for large-scale energy storage system cluster intelligent dispatching, active grid support technology based on new energy storage, electric vehicles, etc. Distributed energy storage virtual power plant aggregation interactive control technology and other research and development work, focusing on promoting the application of new technologies.

4. Strengthen new energy storage grid connection and dispatch coordination guarantee

(10) Strengthen the management of new energy storage projects. Provincial energy authorities should work with relevant departments to strengthen the construction of new energy storage project management systems and strengthen the planning, filing, construction, and deployment management of new energy storage in the region.

(11) Provide new energy storage grid connection services. Grid enterprises and power dispatching agencies should provide grid access services to new energy storage project owners in a fair and non-discriminatory manner, provide technical guidance, optimize the grid connection process, and ensure the safe and efficient grid connection of new energy storage power stations.

(12) Promote the use of new energy storage in a market-oriented manner. The dispatched offices of the National Energy Administration should, together with local energy authorities, fully consider the characteristics of new energy storage, accelerate the improvement of the relevant rules for new energy storage power stations to participate in the electric energy market and ancillary service markets, enrich trading varieties, consider the power supply and demand situation, and rationally expand the spot market Market-oriented means such as price limits and the establishment of a capacity compensation mechanism will promote the "integrated multi-purpose, time-sharing multiplexing" of new energy storage power stations and further enrich the market-oriented business model of new energy storage power stations.

(13) Strengthen the supervision and management of new energy storage grid-connected dispatch. Provincial energy authorities are responsible for the supervision and management of new energy storage grid connection and dispatching operations, and will establish and improve new energy storage grid connection and dispatch operation management coordination mechanisms in conjunction with the National Energy Administration dispatched offices, power dispatching agencies, etc. to coordinate and resolve relevant disputes. The National Energy Administration dispatched agencies to strengthen the supervision of the implementation of new energy storage policies and grid connection dispatching, and reported major problems discovered during the work to the National Energy Administration in a timely manner.

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